These horse frames are so much fun to make! Every one of them ends up being unique and everyone’s personality shines through with these picture frames.
It all starts with unfinished wood frames. I buy Michaels picture frames in the unfinished wood projects section of the store. These great little wooden craft frames are only 99 cents each! They even come in all different shapes so they won’t all be identical.
Next, it’s time to pick up some horse themed fabric, paper, magazines, tissue paper, stickers, or anything else that you think would look good adhered to the frame.
Grab some Mod Podge, foam brushes and scissors and you’re ready to roll!

Let the kids get creative with their horse frames.
Give them lots of options. They can cut out horse pictures from a magazine, cut the fabric into strips, or even just cut the fabric to fit the frame.
Once they know how they want to cover the frame, get the foam brushes ready and let them glop on the glue! Mod Podge is available for all different types of material but I usually get the fabric one if we’re using any type of material.
Start with putting the glue on first so that everything stays in place. It doesn’t have to be perfect because you’ll be putting the glue over the top of everything to make a hard coating. You just want enough to hold it on.
Then gently start going over everything with the brushes. If you want deeper lines in the top coating, you can use a regular paint brush instead of the foam one.
Let it dry.
You’ll have a beautiful glossy coating on all of the horse frames.

After that layer of sealant has dried, the kids can then embellish the frame however they would like!
They can add lettering, names, stickers, and other items. Something that’s always cute on the horse frames is a little bit of twine added around the edges. You can use a glue gun to make it stick a little easier.
This project will everyone with good memories of the time they spent putting it together! It’s very rare that one doesn’t turn out so it’s a good project when you have a group of kids of differing ages. Adults will also enjoy making a frame if you have any left over!

Here’s how ours turned out. I think they’re pretty cute!
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